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The features of animated film


Animation (Animation & Comic),"animation = animation + manga", that is, the collective name of animation and manga, refers to the collection of animation and manga, the first word of these two words combined into one called"anime" , 

Is not a technical term. It is often called "moving cartoon" in Taiwan. Atlas animation (5 photos) The term "anime" was first used on official occasions. It was the inaugural issue of the mainland's animation information monthly magazine"Animation Times" in November 1998. Thisword was later spread by "Manyou" magazine, and its use in mainland China began to spread due to its strong generality. The emergence of the commonname "anime" is mainly due to the close connection between the Japanese animation and manga industries.

 Therefore, in the process of the spread of Japanese animation and manga in China, a magazine that combines Japanese animation and manga consulting has appeared. Therefore, "anime" was first used mainly by Japanese anime fans to refer to Japanese animation and manga. 

However, with the development of China's animation and manga industry, more occasions are used to refer to Chinese animation and manga. 

Chapter of anime and the story

Time does not appear, but then what he shows is that there is a beer.  The team did not even think that Wadi loves her granddaughter Apa, Rachel so much that she can even think of making him her own. 

 Were heard  If there was someone else, he would have forgotten the way here, but there was a world that he did not feel bad even after being abused.  

And whenever she came, Shehla would look at him with her eyes as if she was not a Hebrew.  Seeing all these things, 

Zakia Begum had stopped visiting her little one.  I didn't even go to his house for a small tour and now all of a sudden you come to ask for Rachel's relationship as if some of his years old intentions have been fulfilled.

  I will take my daughter-in-law from the same house for the care of Raheela of Sha'ban.  She was dedicated, 

I was saying.  Think about it, my dear Sanoli Saloni Raheela is still liking you and the decision to make Kareem and daughter-in-law is very big. There is no game of getting married or falling from a guild. 

 Thoughts that came to his mind, whatever and as they were, he also expressed it openly.  Wow, they are swinging you in front of you at the behest of their son.  

Karim is saying that Raheel Batni is also a girl or Shahla is not at all. He said in a confidential statement.  Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me, Looks like Al that sounds crap to me. 

 It is possible to be happy to see Shehla, but whoever does not even think of marriage, he will run away after four days with his hands on his head.  

She whispered in Iran's ear.  And Chhoti Apa laughed so loudly in support of his words ...... All the worries of VK Begum were not suppressed under her echo and died.  

Now Zaki Neeli was very happy. The best boy in the family was going to be her son-in-law.  Ra Kheli was happy with the cream from the beginning and Shehla is also happy to see them both.  

And she was expressing her happiness not only in her heart but also in her worries.  He loved Rachel as much as anyone else.

  It happens to them with its small talk.  After the relationship was settled, Karim's comings and goings, which had been a little less at first, were reduced to comings and goings.  

He grew up on his own. After all, he was the son-in-law and nephew of this family.  He could come whenever he wanted and whenever he came he would be treated as if he were a special guest whose income was tantamount to running away.  

Whenever Karim comes, it is very expensive for Rachel. Someone brings a gift.  One day, he saw Shehla looking at pictures of a famous brand in magazine P. 

 And the next day, a clerk of the Ti-Wai brand came for the air-conditioned suit for Rachel. 

 Crazy, you liked Besot the most, so Rachel immediately said to her partner, Oki Az Shahla.  But this pair is your destiny.  If my Rachel drinks like this, then the fate of this couple will wake up. 

You want my marriage to be with Bhai Sahib's nephew for sure and you will have some interest related to it. 

Atrud Nana's Raqi "Alia also stood with him and put her hand on his shoulder.  Zafari may have lied to me but he did the same to me.  Evert must have lied. 

There was some excuse to harass you. He looked at Alia with wide eyes.  Maybe that's what I'm saying. She didn't stop talking and started walking fast, putting the shoulder bag on her shoulder.  

The same sound was coming inside.  But ... but can she fall so much?  The hut can move so much, maybe yes, maybe even Cinderella's step temple was moving fast under her lips.  

The volcano was burning inside.  Alia was walking along with him.  Won't you do the rest of the class?  No, it was strange in its tone.  Rati, you have forgiven me, so you will come to my wedding.  

He just nodded in affirmation. Then a killer boy coming from the front stopped him.  You have heard that Zafari's wife and son of Pacha Alexander and Marwan have died in a car accident.  

Alia stopped and asked Fasil.  She had stopped for the whole step of evolution, but in the second moment she left Alia in a hurry and moved towards the parking lot at the same speed.  Her blood was boiling.  They were turning red. 

 If you find out what he did to me he would kick them out of the house standing up but how do you know Mara Tafri and then what do they have to do with him that he wanted to ruin me at Baba's request for a moment  It may come to NK's mind that Zafari may have lied to Alia. 

 But why did he need to lie?  Surely there is a conspiracy against me to bring me down.  Along with this, Fry also had a Sufi belief that her estimates were low, and that Noorani would seal her belief in her estimates as she believed that L was not her mother and that there was no evidence of infidelity.  

She could not be persuaded.  Although she was silent, today she will ask L. if she was his adopted daughter, would they still conspire to destroy her that car like a whirlwind.  Flying house  There were two challans left.  

She parked her car in the car with her lips down, and when she entered the lounge, she was talking on the phone.  

Best anime walking


With a hateful look on her face, she fell down the stairs.  Will do  Mara program was to come but then they are busy again. I talk about anything. From outside, your health is fine, so you are looking upset. 

 On the other hand, I had said something .... Akmal replied, "Obviously, everyone will come. What were they saying? I will also take a two-day leave."  "I don't know. You said something rudely while stepping on the first step to Kami's house. L turned around and looked at her angrily and turned to the phone. Goodbye. 

 I put the receiver on the cradle and he looked at the evolution which was turning red and fire was coming out of his eyes.

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