Disqus Shortname

The darkness Fight battle between aliens and human


Slithering like a monster though the city it 

Burned everything in its path and then a 

Beam of light fell from the heavens it was 

If a goddess had descended upon them and

When her eyes opened from the 

 extinguished flames a figure emerged a

 light haired dark skinned female and to the

Lost and suffering people of the city what

She delivered was and new diving to tower

All of the people fell down before her and

Worshipped she was a life goddess now after

This miracle accurate and the heaven tower

Erected neo yoshiwara still flourished under

Her blessing 

Story background of this anime

The doumas powerful life force puts the 

Politicians the military and the nation elite 

At her mercy allowing her to control all of 

Japan from the shadows everything is going

As planned however one person threatens

My reign and she must be stopped you must

Find this person seime chose to face her 

Desting head on and fight what will be the

Out come of this epic battle between light

 and darkness so she does keep the place

Well guarded lets burst through the front

Door key 

Dragon knight sword

Its no use even for a so called Dragon knight

That was my family ancestral sword what 

Giving up already do not you want to save

Your perents I don't think that decision

 would please them very much human kind s

Ancestry comprised many species there 

Were dog people bird people but the drag 

Bloodine  original from Dragon long ago

The monster clan used magic to give surface

Dwellers their  human appearance as such

We can Easily do the reverse we changed

The strangest of the Dragon clan back into

Dragon and they preyed upon the weak

 among them so what did the  pervy slime do

To you in your dream ? The sword is most

Likely effecting not just your mind but your

Body as well more specifically whatever 

Happened to you in your dream is probably

Effecting your body in the real world the

 same so by recreating the dream in real 

Life well overwrite that memory

 I am tired my soul .I can't do it anymore. 

 I am? No, Grandma John, I have heard the

 story of your children just now. They have

 heard my story. They had changed their

 clothes and lay down. I came slowly.  

The baby lay down on the bed with

 Grandmother John. Sleep was far from my

 eyes. Before I went to bed, I was wondering

 what Hagar had done.  When she was

 found, she used to do Iranian things. What a

 big black car with the windows and the

 windows in front of the gate, she got out of

 the seat with the driver and the commercial

 team without any uniform.  

He looked eagle-eyed from left to right .... He

 opened the back seat door on his side and

 turned to stand for education. Then a pink

 or black prisoner in black sandals came out

 of the car.  Second, the driver let the car

 start and got up and opened the door

 behind his seat. On the other side, another

 girl came out and stood.  The two of them

 got out of the car. The first girl had her bag

 slung over her shoulder. She had a folder in

 her hand which she had attached to her

 chest. The black scarf on her forehead was

 haloing her face.  Sitting in his car, he

 wrapped a lock of his blonde and falling

 hair in a scarf.  Nasir Chaja!  He called out

 loudly, the driver ran from his direction and

 came to this side and stood in front of him

 with his education.  Let's put your luggage

 in our hall room and then you don't come

 back. We will both go back to the same place

 after our introductory class.  I buy some

 goods for my little BB, Jokum, the other car

 of your luggage has just gone straight to the

 hall, we will leave the luggage in this car

 and return soon, if you say so we will take

 them out.  Will the stand wait and leave the

 hostel with your luggage after shopping

 with you at once?  That's right, Mir

 Chajagar, will you stay in the car like this

 for so long?  He said to Murree.  Then you go

 somewhere and drink some tea or eat food

 in such a long time?  No, BB, please don't

 you know we won't leave and you'll have to

 wait and see.  He told literature.  Waiting,

 now we have to do our bus every day, so it is

 good that we will be presented.  He said

 with a smile.  "Goodbye. He took a wallet out

 of his bag and took a red note out of it and

 handed it to her. You guys have a drink

 somewhere nearby, I know you have a habit

 of going and you say  That the car runs only

 when there is petrol in the car and the

 driver has tea in his stomach. Of all the

 employees, the conversation was only with

 Naseer Chacha because Naseer Cha who is

 not their driver but far away.

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